In Your Ears: Tame Impala
by Colin Pepper
All the way on the western side of Australia (the one that’s not Sydney or Melbourne), there’s this band. They are called Tame Impala. I think you should listen to them because they are fuckin’ delicious. Part chillwave ecstacy, the other part psychadelic acid grooves– these Aussies straddle the line between throwback guitar rock and gaudy synth trance rock. Their songs groove and wind into exploding splashes of flower power electro-shock therapy. I know, that last sentence is a little hard to digest, but give this song a listen and you will understand.
Tame Impala just dropped their second album titled Lonerism (Modular 2012) and it is good. Like really fucking good. Their first album is good too. Currently, they are touring the homeland before they move to Europe and then select cities in November.
Colin Pepper is a son, a friend, a lover, and most importantly, that guy at a party who wants you to listen to that band. We think you should listen to him.