Raising Arizona

Film Friday – Raising Arizona

I’m not much for words, typography excluded, so I’ll keep this short. Film Friday is my personal design interpretation of a different movie every week. This week is the Coens’ cult classic comedy, Raising Arizona.


Stay Home

Manual of Style

Manual of Style

You’ve done it. Thousands of words of bleary academic jargonese. You’ve mastered the form. I.e., lots of hyphens. Lots of “effect” used as a verb, and “affect” as a noun. Lots of “he or she” and “him or her”. Very careful, very politically correct; damnably…


Bound, the Good Way

Ink slick expressions never need a microphone Instead, the words unfold in our breath and hang, a woolly air that swells our skin and deepens the lines that inform our fingertips that we are different people Instead, they turn up the volume on our heartbeats,…


Where Are We?: A Comb Magazine Playlist

An auditory road map by some crafty Comb cartographers. 1. The Dodos – Acorn Factory 2. N.W.A – Straight Outta Compton 3. Mother Mother – Hayloft 4. Joanna Burns – Where You Stand 5. Alexisonfire – This Could Be Anywhere In The World 6. Ben…

Fully Retractable by M. Lyons

Power Up

New Yorkers hate a lot of things.In no specific order, we hate: the constant hassle of tourists, the heat, the cold, the rain, the traffic, the MTA, the hipsters in Williamsburg, the mutants in Queens, the snobs in Manhattan, their jobs, New Jersey, people from…


Hunter & Wolfe

You know those brilliant thoughts you have before sleep that disappear by morning? If there is a place our nightly epiphanies go, hunter & wolfe has found it and put the lot to music. Listening to their self-titled EP is like taking a trip through…


Music Monday: The Band

I’ve been a fan of The Band for a while now, they’ve been one of those bands that get more exciting the more I listen to them and learn about them. They’ve got such a ripe history that makes them incredibly interesting and, on a…


Film Friday – Blood Simple

I’m not much for words, typography excluded, so I’ll keep this short. Film Friday is my personal design interpretation of a different movie every week. This week is the first film by the Coen Brothers, Blood Simple.


The Sorcerer’s Scone – Piecakes

Guys, labor day is approaching, and what’s more American than pie? If your answer is nothing, this recipe is for you. If your answer is something else, you should learn that the real answer is actually pie. What’s in them?—you might ask. Are those m&ms?—you…